Nov 23, 2014
Jesus Leads the Way
By: Curtis Crawford
Series: Win Them Now
![Win Them Now](
- Nov 23, 2014Jesus Leads the Way
Nov 23, 2014Jesus Leads the WayBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Win Them Now
Christians have no greater model for evangelism than that of Jesus Christ. We can look at His life and ministry and clearly see His approach to reaching the lost. In this message we look at three principles we can learn from Him; 1) Jesus’ life was not separate from His ministry, 2) Jesus looked for lost souls, not sinners, and 3) Jesus broke down societal barriers
- Nov 16, 2014No Greater Love
Nov 16, 2014No Greater LoveBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Win Them Now
In this latest message in our series “Win Them Now” we look at the nature of God’s love and what that means to mankind. God’s love can reach anyone regardless of their past and it can hold onto those who have put their faith in Him.
- Nov 2, 2014Redemption Foretold
Nov 2, 2014Redemption ForetoldBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Win Them Now
The promise of a Messiah was the direct result of a loving God who is intricately involved in the lives of His creation. God meticulously orchestrated events through the entirety of the Old Testament to foreshadow the need for a Savior and His substitutionary atonement for mankind.
- Oct 26, 2014Hell: It’s Real!
Oct 26, 2014Hell: It’s Real!By: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Win Them Now
Satan has worked tirelessly since Eden to convince mankind there are no consequences for the rejection of God. He has managed to convince generations hell is a place made up to scare children into behaving and to control the weak minded. The Bible clearly teaches a place exists right now, where those who reject God will be sent until the final judgment; a place of physical and mental torments. Once judged, they will be sentenced to the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels to spend eternity dying, but unable to find relief. The good news is, God prepared a way so no one has to spend eternity tormented, but it requires belief in Jesus Christ and submission to Him as Lord of your life.
- Oct 5, 2014Enter The Serpent
Oct 5, 2014Enter The SerpentBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Win Them Now
As a society we have convinced ourselves the great advances in science and technology are somehow a barometer of the morality of man. The hard truth is as we progress scientifically and technologically we are actually regressing morally. Our world is but a shadow of the intended purpose of God’s creation. The good news is that this world is not all there is! We have a Redeemer Who offers real peace, real joy, and real hope in spite of crime, sickness, and natural disasters.