Who Is Jesus?

I wish that I had come up with this simple yet effective approach to show that Christ was who He said He was, but alas I did not. Credit must go to Josh McDowell and his book “More Than a Carpenter.” If you have not read this book I highly recommend it. It is, as my mom used to say, “Short, sweet, and to the point”. Read more…

Sight & Sound Trip 8/24/2019

Join our church family August, 24th as we travel to Sight & Sound theatre in Lancaster, PA to see their production of “JESUS.” Each ticket includes transportation via private bus, all you can eat family style dinner, and tickets to the play.
Tickets are $123.00 for adults and $72.00 for children (12 and under). A deposit of $40 for each adult and $25 for each child is due by Sunday, 5/26/2019. Final payment is due Wednesday, July 24th.
You can buy your ticket, pay your deposit or to make monthly payments below!