Sep '20

Ever Faithful: The Athlete Pt 1
Sep '20

The Athlete Part 1
2 Timothy 2:1-7
Based on the Paul’s writings, he was a great lover of sports, or at the least, his audience was. He uses analogies of the athlete often throughout his letters. This is almost certainly due to the universal popularity of the Olympic games in the Greek/Gentile world. Athletes were rigorously trained and the ancient Greeks were proud of athleticism. They admired strength and talent, but all of these things were mute if the competitor refused to follow the rules. Here in 2 Timothy chapter two, Paul focuses this trait: Obedience to the Rules.
Subverting the Rules
There was no prize in winning the bout through unfair means because it undermines the purpose of competition. If all athletes abided by the same rules, their talents would shine and the prize would be won according to their ability in the activity, not the subversion of it. Read more…