Equipped for Victory Part 2

Previously, we looked at the necessity of prayer for the equipping of believers in the body of Christ. Today we are going to look at the actual equipment the believer has available to them. In Ephesians 6:14-17, the Apostle Paul details the spiritual equipment issued to every person who accepts Christ as Lord and Savior. This equipment is not optional. Its proper and consistent use is required for the believer and the church to walk in victory.
As believers, to have access to resources which can help us walk in spiritual victory and to not use them is foolishness. Unfortunately, many of us hang our spiritual armor in the closet and leave it there to collect dust. We then struggle daily in our spiritual lives and wonder what has gone wrong. Calling upon God for assistance, when what we need has been in front of us all along.
In this chapter, Paul lists six pieces of armor vital to the believer. Each of them is below and linked to a message specifically for it. I encourage you to take the time to listen and learn the importance they play in our spiritual lives.