Oct 25, 2015
What’s In Your Hand?
By: Jane Lecorchick
Series: general

- Oct 25, 2015What’s In Your Hand?
Oct 25, 2015What’s In Your Hand?By: Jane LecorchickSeries: general
In this message, special speaker, Jane Lecorchick challenges us to look for what God has equipped us with and use it serve Him.
- Oct 18, 2015No Heavenly Good
Oct 18, 2015No Heavenly GoodBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Walking in The Spirit
In 1 Corinthians, Paul tells the church they are carnal and immature. In this message we look at what carnal living is and the evidence that will manifest itself in the life of one who lives as such.
- Oct 12, 2015Ready For Something New
Oct 12, 2015Ready For Something NewBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general
In Joshua chapter three we see the people of Israel are once more at the banks of the Jordan river poised to go forth and possess the promised land. They had been here before and allowed faithlessness to result in rebelliousness. Were they ready this time? Many times in our lives we find ourselves, just like the people of Israel, standing at a crossroads. Do we proceed forward or head back to the wilderness for God to prepare us further?
- Oct 4, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches LAODECIA
Oct 4, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches LAODECIABy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: 7 Letters for 7 Churches
This week we conclude our series entitled, “7 Letters for 7 Churches” where we are examining the letters given to the Apostle John as he penned the book of Revelation. The challenge for us is to genuinely reflect on the accolades and the admonishments and then adjust our lives accordingly. In this message, we look at the letter for the church in Laodecia.
- Sep 27, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches PHILADELPHIA
Sep 27, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches PHILADELPHIABy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: 7 Letters for 7 Churches
This week we continue our series entitled, “7 Letters for 7 Churches” where we are examining the letters given to the Apostle John as he penned the book of Revelation. The challenge for us is to genuinely reflect on the accolades and the admonishments and then adjust our lives accordingly. In this message, we look at the letter for the church in Philadelphia.
- Sep 20, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches SARDIS
Sep 20, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches SARDISBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: 7 Letters for 7 Churches
This week we continue our series entitled, “7 Letters for 7 Churches” where we are examining the letters given to the Apostle John as he penned the book of Revelation. The challenge for us is to genuinely reflect on the accolades and the admonishments and then adjust our lives accordingly. In this message, we look at the letter for the church in Sardis.
- Sep 6, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches THYATIRA
Sep 6, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches THYATIRABy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: 7 Letters for 7 Churches
This week we continue our series entitled, “7 Letters for 7 Churches” where we are examining the letters given to the Apostle John as he penned the book of Revelation. The challenge for us is to genuinely reflect on the accolades and the admonishments and then adjust our lives accordingly. In this message, we look at the letter for the church in Thyatira.
- Aug 30, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches PERGAMOS
Aug 30, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches PERGAMOSBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: 7 Letters for 7 Churches
This week we continue our series entitled, “7 Letters for 7 Churches” where we are examining the letters given to the Apostle John as he penned the book of Revelation. The challenge for us is to genuinely reflect on the accolades and the admonishments and then adjust our lives accordingly. In this message, we look at the letter for the church in Pergamos.
- Aug 23, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches SMYRNA
Aug 23, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches SMYRNABy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: 7 Letters for 7 Churches
This week we continue our series entitled, “7 Letters for 7 Churches” where we are examining the letters given to the Apostle John as he penned the book of Revelation. While these were seven literal churches located in Asia, the contents of each letter are applicable to the body of Christ today. The challenge for us is to genuinely reflect on the accolades and the admonishments and then adjust our lives accordingly. In this first installment, we look at the message for the church in Smyrna.
- Aug 16, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches EPHESUS
Aug 16, 20157 Letters for 7 Churches EPHESUSBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: 7 Letters for 7 Churches
This week we began a new series entitled, "7 Letters for 7 Churches" where we are examining the letters given to the Apostle John as he penned the book of Revelation. While these were seven literal churches located in Asia, the contents of each letter are applicable to the body of Christ today. The challenge for us is to genuinely reflect on the accolades and the admonishments and then adjust our lives accordingly. In this first installment, we look at the message for the Ephesian church.