Mar 6, 2016
What Have You Come to Do?
By: Curtis Crawford
Series: general

Many times in our Christian walk, we find ourselves only focusing on what God can or will do for us. The author of Psalm 135 challenges us to praise the Lord by focusing on Who He is and what He has already done. As you listen to this message, take out a pen and paper and right down all of the things God has already done for you and what you know about Him to be true. Use your list as a starting point to worship God throughout the week.
- Mar 6, 2016What Have You Come to Do?
Mar 6, 2016What Have You Come to Do?By: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalMany times in our Christian walk, we find ourselves only focusing on what God can or will do for us. The author of Psalm 135 challenges us to praise the Lord by focusing on Who He is and what He has already done. As you listen to this message, take out a pen and paper and right down all of the things God has already done for you and what you know about Him to be true. Use your list as a starting point to worship God throughout the week.
- Feb 28, 2016Bubble Wrapped
Feb 28, 2016Bubble WrappedBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalBubble wrap is useful packing material that protects valuable objects from damage, but if you leave the bubble wrap on a valuable object indefinitely, though protected, its usefulness for its intended purpose is lost. As Christians, we wrap ourselves for protection from pain and rejection, but in doing so limit our ability to walk in the purpose God has for us. In this message, we look at how we can break free from the protective wrap around us.
- Feb 14, 2016I Do
Feb 14, 2016I DoBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalHave you ever stopped to think what it means to be the "Bride of Christ?" In this message, we look at a traditional marriage ceremony and how each portion, from the processional to the pronouncement, can be applied to our relationship with Christ.
- Feb 7, 2016Such Great Faith
Feb 7, 2016Such Great FaithBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general
In Luke chapter seven, Jesus commends a centurion for his "great" faith. In this message, we look at the qualities of such great faith and what it means to our lives.
- Jan 18, 2016Then The Manna Ceased
Jan 18, 2016Then The Manna CeasedBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalIn this message from Joshua chapter five, we look at the importance of declaring Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives and abandoning the notion of trying to serve both God and ourselves. We also learn that if we will confess our sin, God will forgive us and He chooses to not remember our sins against us.
- Jan 10, 2016What’s Changed This Time?
Jan 10, 2016What’s Changed This Time?By: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalIn the book of Numbers, Chapter 14 we see the children of Israel's response to the negative report from 10 of the 12 spies sent into Canaan. They responded the way they always did when faced with circumstances they could not see a human answer to; they rebelled against God. As a result, God sent them into the wilderness for 40 years. At the end of the 40 years, Israel found itself again at the door of the promise land and faced with the same opposition as before. Were they different this time or would they respond as they always had?
- Dec 13, 2015Limitless Control
Dec 13, 2015Limitless ControlBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Limitless
In this latest message from our series Limitless, we look at the doctrine of God's sovereignty and what it means to His children and the world.
- Dec 6, 2015Limitless Presence
Dec 6, 2015Limitless PresenceBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Limitless
One of the most asked questions in America today is, Where is God? The simple answer is He is everywhere all at once in all of His fullness, but what does that mean to us as believers? Is God's omnipresence a source of conviction or a source of comfort in your life?
- Nov 15, 2015Limitless Power
Nov 15, 2015Limitless PowerBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Limitless
God created man in His image, but throughout our lives we strive to make God into our image. We ascribe characteristics to God contrary to His character, which has been revealed to us in His word. The actions of others, pain, sickness, and suffering all serve as catalysts for shaping God into a limited being contained within the four walls of our own finite reasoning.
- Nov 1, 2015Waiting to Be Devoured
Nov 1, 2015Waiting to Be DevouredBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Walking in The Spirit
1 Peter 5:8-10 warns us the devil is walking through the earth seeking prey to devour. He and his demons are the ultimate predators and we, believers in Christ, are the ultimate prey. If we stray from our flock and from the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ we make ourselves vulnerable to attack. Satan preys on the offended, the fearful, and the prideful, but we can can overcome through vigilance and remaining steadfast in the truth of God's word.