Jun 12, 2016
When Leaders Lead and People Serve
By: Curtis Crawford
Series: Judges

Judges chapter five is a song written by Deborah to celebrate the victory of the northern tribes over the Canaanites by giving praise to God. In this message, we focus on the importance of leaders who are willing to lead and people who are willing to serve in the body of Christ.
- Jun 12, 2016When Leaders Lead and People Serve
Jun 12, 2016When Leaders Lead and People ServeBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: JudgesJudges chapter five is a song written by Deborah to celebrate the victory of the northern tribes over the Canaanites by giving praise to God. In this message, we focus on the importance of leaders who are willing to lead and people who are willing to serve in the body of Christ.
- May 22, 2016Deborah, A Prophetess
May 22, 2016Deborah, A ProphetessBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: JudgesIn the latest message from our series on Judges, we look at Deborah. She was a mighty woman of God who was a prophetess and God's chosen judge for the people of Israel after the death of Ehud. We can learn much from her that we can apply to our own lives. Join us as we look at Deborah, A Prophetess.
- May 8, 2016You, Plus God
May 8, 2016You, Plus GodBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: JudgesThe first three judges we see in chapter three are Othniel, Ehud, and Shamgar. These judges demonstrate to us, God likes to use the ordinary, the flawed, and the common to accomplish His will. He takes the ordinary and makes them extraordinary! He takes the flawed and brings beauty! He takes the common and performs the impossible!
- May 1, 2016The Difference a Generation Makes
May 1, 2016The Difference a Generation MakesBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: JudgesIn Judges chapter two, we see that while Israel had seen the mighty hand of God as they entered into the promised land, the following generation did not know God. In this message we look at the legacy a generation can leave and its impact on our world. Ask yourself, "What is my legacy?"
- Apr 27, 2016The Holy Spirit In You
Apr 27, 2016The Holy Spirit In YouBy: Jane LecorchickSeries: generalWho is the Holy Spirit and what is His role in us and in the world? Let's find out in this message by guest speaker, Jane Lecorchick.
- Apr 17, 2016Triumph or Tribute?
Apr 17, 2016Triumph or Tribute?By: Curtis CrawfordSeries: JudgesWhen the nation of Israel ventured further into the promise land, they found enemies which were not so easily defeated. God had promised them ultimate triumph, but they had to trust Him and His time table. We find at the end of Judges chapter one, they settled for less than what God had for them because of faithlessness, lack of leadership, and lack of effort. They had triumph waiting for them, but as verse 28 tells us in Judges chapter one, they settled for tribute. Are we doing the same in our lives?
- Apr 10, 2016The Three Sides of Why
Apr 10, 2016The Three Sides of WhyBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general
Whenever the question "Why" is asked, there is always a motivation for it. There is the inquisitive Why, the accusatory why, and the desperate why. In this message we look at each side of the question why and what the answer should always be.
- Apr 3, 2016Open Our Eyes Once Again
Apr 3, 2016Open Our Eyes Once AgainBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Our Risen SaviorIn this message from Luke 24:13-35, we take a unique look at the meal Jesus shared with two disciples following His resurrection on that first Easter day. We must ask ourselves a simple, but important question. Have you welcomed Jesus into your home?
- Mar 27, 2016Light Bulb Moments
Mar 27, 2016Light Bulb MomentsBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Our Risen SaviorWhen Peter and John left the empty tomb of Jesus they each had different ideas of what had happened. John says that he believed, but Luke tells us Peter walked away in wonder, trying to put the pieces together. It wasn't until later the light bulb came on and he understood exactly what had happened. Just like Peter, we have times in our lives when we need a light bulb moment of clarity to help us refocus on God and remember what He has promised us.
- Mar 20, 2016The Great Exchange
Mar 20, 2016The Great ExchangeBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Our Risen SaviorIn this message from our Easter Celebration series "Our Risen Savior," we take a unique look at the exchange of places between Jesus and Barabbas.