Jan 28, 2018
Just Asleep
By: Curtis Crawford
Series: general
Matthew 9 tells of a father whose daughter had died. He sent to Jesus, believing He could raise his daughter back to life. When Jesus arrived, He announced to those gathered, "Make room, for the girl is not dead, but sleeping.” The crowd ridiculed Him for she was clearly dead. In this message, we look and the truth behind those powerful words of Jesus, "the girl is not dead, but sleeping."
- Jan 28, 2018Just Asleep
Jan 28, 2018Just AsleepBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalMatthew 9 tells of a father whose daughter had died. He sent to Jesus, believing He could raise his daughter back to life. When Jesus arrived, He announced to those gathered, "Make room, for the girl is not dead, but sleeping.” The crowd ridiculed Him for she was clearly dead. In this message, we look and the truth behind those powerful words of Jesus, "the girl is not dead, but sleeping."
- Jan 21, 2018Cleansing Your Temple
Jan 21, 2018Cleansing Your TempleBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalIn John 2:13-21, Jesus goes into the temple during the week of Passover and finds cattle, birds, and money changers in the temple courts. He famously makes a whip from cords and drives the livestock out, flips the tables, and dumps the pots of the money changers. When asked to show them a sign demonstrating His "right" to do what He did, Jesus stated, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." In this message we look at how the cleansing of the temple applies to our own lives and why Jesus has the authority to identify and correct sin in His temple.
- Jan 14, 2018Chasing God
Jan 14, 2018Chasing GodBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general
Jeremiah 29:13 says, "And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." When I read this verse the first word that enters my mind is "chase." To me, seeking God means to chase God! Actively seeking Him with all of our effort, strength, and resources. What is keeping you from chasing God today?
- Dec 17, 2017Worship, Apathy, or Jealousy
Dec 17, 2017Worship, Apathy, or JealousyBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general
Matthew chapter two details the arrival of the wise men in Jerusalem, their interaction with Herod, and their worship of Jesus. As we enter this last week before Christmas, let us look at the reactions to the birth of Christ demonstrated in this chapter and compare them to our own attitudes during this season.
- Dec 10, 2017Raising Pigs
Dec 10, 2017Raising PigsBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalLuke chapter 8 verses 26-40 tell the story of Jesus' deliverance of a man possessed by demons. During the encounter, Jesus allows the demons to enter a herd of swine that promptly drown themselves in the nearby water. The reaction of the man who was delivered was thankfulness and a desire to follow after Christ, but the reaction of the pig farmers was to ask Jesus to leave. In this message, we look at these reactions and discover how they are applicable to our own lives.
- Dec 3, 2017Replacing The King With A King
Dec 3, 2017Replacing The King With A KingBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalIn 1 Samuel chapter eight, the nation of Israel demand a king so they be like the nations around them. God warns them of what the cost will be to replace Him, but they are insistent. God gives them what they asked for and the nation suffered greatly for it. You and I replace The King in our lives with a king of our own choosing and the results are catastrophic. Just like the nation of Israel, we are aware of the costs, but believe we know better than God. In this message we look at the consequences of replacing The King with a king and the path to restoration.
- Nov 19, 2017Call And He Will Answer
Nov 19, 2017Call And He Will AnswerBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalPsalm 17:6 says, "I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God; incline your ear to me; hear my words." We can call on a number of things and people in our lives when we feel helpless or hopeless. We call on people, medications, alcohol, drugs, extravagant things, or even our jobs to provide some semblance of relief, but each of these sources can only provide a temporary answer. Only God can provide an answer with the power to sustain joy in times of trials, suffering, pain, fear, or hopelessness.
- Oct 29, 2017Awestruck
Oct 29, 2017AwestruckBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalPsalm 33:8 says, "Let all the earth fear the Lord; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him." In this message we look at the importance of living our lives everyday awestruck by our mighty God.
- Oct 22, 2017Mourning to Dancing
Oct 22, 2017Mourning to DancingBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalAs we continue Psalm 30, David shares how God's favor in his life had caused him to become arrogant and as a result God hid His face from him. In this message we look at David's predicament and his prayer of confession and thanksgiving.
- Oct 15, 2017The Blessedness of Answered Prayer
Oct 15, 2017The Blessedness of Answered PrayerBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalIn Psalm 30, David shares the blessedness of answered prayers from God. In this message, we look at verses one through five and focus on how awesome our God is Who hears us and answers us.