Apr 29, 2018
The Holy Spirit: Recognizing Our Need of Him
By: Curtis Crawford
Series: The Holy Spirit

- Apr 29, 2018The Holy Spirit: Recognizing Our Need of Him
Apr 29, 2018The Holy Spirit: Recognizing Our Need of HimBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: The Holy Spirit
This is the first message from our new series, "The Holy Spirit." We dive into Acts 1:1-14 and discover Jesus' need of the Holy Spirit in His own life and ministry. Jesus did not start His public ministry until He was baptized and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him like a dove. It was then that He was tested in the wilderness and afterwards performed His first miracle. We must recognize as children of God, as Jesus needed the Holy Spirit, we need Him too as a vital part of our lives.
- Apr 15, 2018Beyond The Natural
Apr 15, 2018Beyond The NaturalBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general1 Kings 19 and Acts chapter 12 both show us what is seen in the natural is not always the reality of the supernatural. God can intervene supernaturally in the natural to accomplish His purpose and to save His people.
- Apr 1, 2018Foolishness
Apr 1, 2018FoolishnessBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalThe Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1:18, "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." In this message, we explore why the message of Christ crucified is foolishness to the world.
- Mar 25, 2018The Grace of Giving Your Substance Part 2
Mar 25, 2018The Grace of Giving Your Substance Part 2By: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Stewardship: The Grace of GivingWe conclude our series on stewardship with a final look at the principles of grace giving verses the principles of the world.
- Mar 11, 2018The Grace of Giving Your Substance Part 1
Mar 11, 2018The Grace of Giving Your Substance Part 1By: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Stewardship: The Grace of GivingOur substance is everything God has given us. It's our finances, but it is also our time and talents. Just like the Corinthians, we can learn the principles of giving our substance from the Macedonians. Giving is sacrificial, spontaneous, selfless, spiritual, and sincere.
- Mar 4, 2018The Grace of Giving Yourself
Mar 4, 2018The Grace of Giving YourselfBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Stewardship: The Grace of GivingIn our second message from our series on stewardship, we look at the need to give ourselves to the Lord and to others before we can give of our resources.
- Feb 25, 2018The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Feb 25, 2018The Baptism of the Holy SpiritBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalIn Acts 1:8, Jesus says, " But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” What does that mean exactly? Let's take a closer look!
- Feb 18, 2018Discovering The Grace of Giving
Feb 18, 2018Discovering The Grace of GivingBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Stewardship: The Grace of Giving
In this first message of our series on Christian stewardship, we look at grace, not as it relates to salvation, but as the source of our desire, ability, and strength to accomplish God's purpose for our lives.
- Feb 11, 2018Finish Your Ark
Feb 11, 2018Finish Your ArkBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalThroughout our Christian walk, we often have times when God directs us to do something we consider to be impractical or even outlandish. During those times, we must remember God has a plan and we need to move forward in it. We must never allow pride, fear, or cynicism to prevent us in accomplishing God's purpose for our lives.
- Feb 4, 2018The Joy of Forgiveness
Feb 4, 2018The Joy of ForgivenessBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: generalIn Psalm 32, David describes the blessings associated with being forgiven by God and remaining holy before Him. He also speaks of the physical, mental, and emotional impact of unconfessed sin in the life of a believer. God doesn't desire for His children to be separated from Him by sin. He wants us to confess our sins before Him so that He may forgive us and be free to work in our lives.