Mar 17, 2019
My Shepherd
By: Curtis Crawford
Series: general

- Mar 17, 2019My Shepherd
Mar 17, 2019My ShepherdBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general
Psalm 23 is one of the most recognizable chapters in all of the Bible. It is a Psalm of comfort and peace. It is a reminder of the love God has for us and His constant watch over us. In this message, we dive into this wonderful song of David, examining who it is for and how we can apply it to our lives.
- Mar 10, 2019What’s In a Name?
Mar 10, 2019What’s In a Name?By: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general
Genesis tells the story of a man named Jacob. Jacob's name means "deceiver" or "usurper" and he lived up to it. Most notably, he stole his brother Esau's blessing from their father Isaac through clever deception. Even when he had to run for his life, he used whit and human ingenuity to overcome many of the struggles he faced. This all changed when he decided to return home. He believed Esau was still set on killing him, which was reinforced by the 400 men Esau was leading to meet Jacob's caravan. With nowhere to turn and no guarantee his cleverness would get him out of this one, he called out to the God of his fathers.
- Mar 3, 2019Above Our Thoughts
Mar 3, 2019Above Our ThoughtsBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general1. God will fill those who are thirsty and hungry2. God will forgive those who seek Him and repent3. God's mercy and forgiveness are far beyond our thoughts and ways because God is far above our reasoning4. God's word, truth, and promises will always accomplish what He sent it forth to do
- Feb 24, 2019Take The Battle To The Enemy
Feb 24, 2019Take The Battle To The EnemyBy: Bill CrawfordSeries: general
In this message from Judges chapter four, guest speaker, Bill Crawford shows us the importance of destroying the enemy on the battlefield, in our homes, and in the world.
- Jan 27, 2019What’s Your Giant?
Jan 27, 2019What’s Your Giant?By: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general
1 Samuel 17 details the classic encounter of David and Goliath. In this message we look at the principles of spiritual victory over the giants in our lives.
- Dec 30, 2018The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of Obedience
Dec 30, 2018The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of ObedienceBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: The Christmas Dilemma
In Matthew chapter two, Herod instructs the wise men to return to him once they have found the Messiah. God warns them in a dream, however, to ignore Herod's instructions. In this message, we look at the dilemma of obeying God in spite of the many different "authorities" we find in our lives.
- Dec 9, 2018The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of Joy
Dec 9, 2018The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of JoyBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: The Christmas Dilemma
The shepherds were not what the world considered to be the best option to announce the arrival of God's son. They were hardworking, but they isolated themselves and were disregarded by polite society. Yet, God chose them anyways! The Great Shepherd's arrival announced to a group of shepherds!
- Dec 2, 2018The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of Saying Yes
Dec 2, 2018The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of Saying YesBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: The Christmas Dilemma
When Gabriel appeared to Mary and revealed God's plan, she had a choice to make. She was faced with the dilemma of saying yes to God even if it meant potential rejection by those she loved. She was willing to take the risk and the question for us today is, "Are you willing?"
- Nov 25, 2018The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of Doubt
Nov 25, 2018The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of DoubtBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: The Christmas Dilemma
We may have our lives all planned out, but Proverbs 19:21 says, "There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand." God's purpose always supersedes our plans! This lesson was imprinted on the life of Joseph when his betrothed, Mary. He had everything planned out: get engaged, get married, have a family, live happily ever after. God has a far greater plan for Joseph. One that would change the world forever!
- Nov 18, 2018The Holy Spirit: Desperate For God
Nov 18, 2018The Holy Spirit: Desperate For GodBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: The Holy Spirit
Cornelius was a man who was desperate for God. He was a Roman and a centurion, but he also feared the Lord and wanted to know Him more. Acts 10 tells us that because of Cornelius' desperation to know the Father, God sent an angel to him directly.