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When you find yourself in a desperate situation, who do you call on first? Do you try to fix it yourself? Or rely on a family member or close friend? Many times, our last recourse is God when He should be our first resource. The widow in 2 Kings chapter four was in a desperate situation and she had only one place to turn, God.
Jun 16, 2019
Elisha: Uncommon Provision
By: Curtis Crawford
Series: Elisha

- Jun 16, 2019Elisha: Uncommon Provision
Jun 16, 2019Elisha: Uncommon ProvisionBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Elisha
When you find yourself in a desperate situation, who do you call on first? Do you try to fix it yourself? Or rely on a family member or close friend? Many times, our last recourse is God when He should be our first resource. The widow in 2 Kings chapter four was in a desperate situation and she had only one place to turn, God.
- Jun 9, 2019Elisha: Uncommon Instruction
Jun 9, 2019Elisha: Uncommon InstructionBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Elisha
When God gives us instruction, we must listen carefully and do exactly as He says. He has a plan, which may seem strange to us, but will accomplish exactly what He has promised.
- Jun 2, 2019Elisha: Uncommon Restoration
Jun 2, 2019Elisha: Uncommon RestorationBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Elisha
We serve a God of restoration. Just like God used Elisha to restore the contaminated waters by Jericho, He can restore us too.
- May 26, 2019Becoming A Hero
May 26, 2019Becoming A HeroBy: Kelly CrawfordSeries: general
In this message, our Family Ministries Director, Kelly Crawford examines Ephesians 6:10-20 and shows us how to become a spiritual hero.
- May 19, 2019Elisha: Uncommon Commitment
May 19, 2019Elisha: Uncommon CommitmentBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Elisha
Commitment is critical to accomplishing the purpose God has placed within us. We must be committed to Him regardless of circumstances, feelings, or failures. In this message, we examine the commitment of Elisha to Elijah and the impact on God's prophetic calling upon him.
- May 12, 2019Elisha: Uncommon Obedience
May 12, 2019Elisha: Uncommon ObedienceBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Elisha
As we being our series on the Prophet Elisha, we start at the beginning when he was called by Elijah. 1 Kings 19:15-21 details Elisha's obedience to God's call and his choice to leave his present to walk in the future God had for him.
- May 5, 2019Uncommon Conviction
May 5, 2019Uncommon ConvictionBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general
"So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth. And they said, “Is this not Joseph’s son?” Luke 4:22
- Apr 21, 2019Risen Indeed
Apr 21, 2019Risen IndeedBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general
In this Easter message on 1 Corinthians 15, we look at the bad news of man's separation from God verses the good news of Christ's death and resurrection.
- Apr 14, 2019Forsaken
Apr 14, 2019ForsakenBy: Bill CrawfordSeries: general
In this message on Psalm 22, guest speaker Bill Crawford diligently explores the prophetic words of David, the sacrifice of our Savior, and the impact they should have on our lives today.
- Mar 24, 2019What Is Your Treasure?
Mar 24, 2019What Is Your Treasure?By: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general
What is your treasure? As Christians, we should treasure Jesus, but we easily replace Him with relationships, material blessings, and even church programs. In this message, we look at why we should treasure Jesus above all else.