May 12, 2024
The Power Of A Mother’s Faith
By: Curtis Crawford
Series: general

- May 12, 2024The Power Of A Mother’s Faith
May 12, 2024The Power Of A Mother’s FaithBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: general
In this powerful Mother's Day sermon, we explore 2 Kings 4:1-7 and discover the power of a mustard seed sized faith in the hands of an omnipotent and merciful God.
- Mar 24, 2024Galatians: Sarah And Hagar
Mar 24, 2024Galatians: Sarah And HagarBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Galatians Sermon Series
In our ninth message on Galatians, we look at chapter four verses 21 through 31. Here, the Apostle Paul uses a real-world example from the Old Testament to explain a spiritual reality. Not all of the physical children of Abraham were part God's promise to him. The promise God made would only be fulfilled through Issac even though Abraham had a second male child named Ishmael. Just like not all of Abraham's physical decedents were included in the promise God made, not all of the physical children of Issac are spiritual children of Abraham. The true spiritual children of Abraham are those who have been saved through faith in Jesus Christ, Jew or Gentile.
- Mar 17, 2024Galatians: Paul Fears For The Church
Mar 17, 2024Galatians: Paul Fears For The ChurchBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Galatians Sermon Series
In our eighth message on Galatians, we look at chapter four verses 12 through 20. Here, the Apostle Paul expresses his concern the Galatian believers are being deceived by the nefarious scheme of the false teachers. Paul states in verse 17, "they want to exclude you, that you may be zealous for them." Paul's language here implies there was more to the false teachers' plan than their desire to convert gentiles to Judaism. They were knowingly deceiving the gentile believers in an effort to disqualify them from salvation by grace alone for their own personal benefit. Be aware, my friends, the plan of the evil one is not merely to confuse you, but to destroy you!
- Mar 10, 2024Galatians: Heirs Through Christ
Mar 10, 2024Galatians: Heirs Through ChristBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Galatians Sermon Series
In our seventh message on Galatians, we look at chapter four verses one through eleven. Here, the Apostle Paul explains those who are justified by faith through Christ have been adopted by God and are His sons and daughters. As sons and daughters, we are heirs to the promises of God!
- Mar 3, 2024Galatians: The Law’s Purpose
Mar 3, 2024Galatians: The Law’s PurposeBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Galatians Sermon Series
In our sixth message on Galatians, we look at chapter three verses 15 through 29. Here, the Apostle Paul explains the purpose of the law God gave to Moses. The law was given by God to mankind to demonstrate how woefully short man falls of God's standard. Without the law, man would never know how much we need a savior. Therefore, the law can never save us as we can never be obedient enough to it to earn right standing before God. The great news is God sent Jesus to pay the price for mankind's falling short of His standard so we can be reconciled with Him through faith alone. It is His gift to us!
- Feb 25, 2024Galatians: Justification By Faith
Feb 25, 2024Galatians: Justification By FaithBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Galatians Sermon Series
In our fifth message on Galatians, we look at chapter three verses one though fourteen. Here, the Apostle Paul expresses his exasperation toward the Galatians believers regarding their eagerness to reject justification by faith and accept the additional restrictions being taught by the false teachers. A core tenant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is we are saved through faith alone and not by works. If we could be good enough to earn salvation there would have been no need for the sacrifice of Jesus and His resurrection. To reject justification by faith alone is to reject the work of Christ on calvary.
- Feb 18, 2024Galatians: Standing For God’s Truth
Feb 18, 2024Galatians: Standing For God’s TruthBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Galatians Sermon Series
In our fourth message on Galatians, we look at chapter two, verses 11 through 21. Here, the Apostle Paul explains how he had to oppose the Apostle Peter and stand for the truth of God's word. Peter withdrew from gentile fellowship due to peer pressure from fellow Jews. Paul confronted Peter and ultimately Peter repented. There may be times in our lives where peer pressure may push us to compromise the truth of God's word. It is critical for us to remain strong and stand for God's truth regardless of the consequences.
- Feb 11, 2024Galatians: Defense of The Gospel
Feb 11, 2024Galatians: Defense of The GospelBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Galatians Sermon Series
In our third message on Galatians, we look at chapter two verses one through ten. Here, the Apostle Paul defends the doctrine of justification through faith alone and reminds his readers he had the full endorsement of the church leaders in Jerusalem.
- Feb 4, 2024Galatians: Paul’s Call to Apostleship
Feb 4, 2024Galatians: Paul’s Call to ApostleshipBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Galatians Sermon Series
In our second message on Galatians, we look at chapter 1 verses 11 through 24. Here, the Apostle Paul reminds his readers of his past zealousness for Judaism and his call by Jesus to be His apostle to carry the gospel to the gentiles. Paul's story of redemption should encourage each of us because God knew Paul's past along with all of the mistakes he made and would make yet chose him anyways. When God calls us, He does so fully aware of our failures of the past, present and future. Jesus gave His life and rose again to cover it all!
- Jan 28, 2024Galatians: One Gospel
Jan 28, 2024Galatians: One GospelBy: Curtis CrawfordSeries: Galatians Sermon Series
In our first message on Galatians, we look at chapter one verses one through ten. The Apostle Paul was addressing false Jewish teachers who were attempting to convince gentile believers they had to be circumcised. This of course, was a direct contradiction to the Apostle's doctrine of salvation through faith alone.