
Ever Faithful

Day 1: Ever Faithful  

2 Timothy Chapter 2:1-7

Paul begins this chapter encouraging Timothy to be strong. Paul called for strength no less than twenty-five times throughout his letters to Timothy. This call is not just for Timothy, but it is for “All faithful men.” Let us pause and consider what that truly implies: Paul did not say powerful men, he did not say wise men, and he did not say charismatic men. He says FAITHFUL men!

The Greek word “Faithful” is “Pistos” and it describes “one who readily believes.” This word is also a business term for someone who is dedicated to their work and can be trusted to fulfill their duties. God needs men who are consistent. He is not looking for intelligence because God takes the foolish things and confounds the wise (1 Cor. 1:26-31). God is not looking for the strong, for in our weakness He becomes our strength (2 Cor. 12:9). God is not looking for the beautiful, for He sees the measure of a man’s heart, rather than his looks (1 Sam. 16:7). 

It is telling that Paul uses three classes of work, each of which requires and merits strength and faithfulness: The Soldier, the Athlete, and the Farmer. These professions can be seen as humble and even inglorious. At first it may appear anyone can do these jobs. Anyone can be conscripted and follow orders. Anyone can pick up a sport and exercise, anyone can pick up a plough and plant seeds… And yet curiously enough, God has seen fit to use these to define the men He can use. We see in these examples a richness more telling than first glance. There lies in these “common” jobs a unique opportunity and strength of character needed to make good workers and fine Christians.
Join us in the coming days as we look at the soldier, the athlete, and the farmer.
Written by: Bill Crawford
August 2020

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